Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: The Frankfurt Book Fair and multinational publishers are complicit in the Gaza genocide...
Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags
Since a wave of condemnation was ignited last October over the...
Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Can the Frankfurt Book Fair inspire digitally? – DW – 10/12/2020
Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags Deutsche Welle: You stuck to your plans to hold the Frankfurt Book...
Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Aleida and Jan Assmann Presented with German Book Trade Peace Prize in Frankfurt
Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags‘Democracy thrives not on disputes, but rather on good...
Nigerias Aké Arts & Book Festival gewinnt den ersten Aficionado Award
Ein Projekt der Frankfurter Buchmesse und der Buchmesse in Turin, der erste Aficionado Award geht an Lola Shoneyin für ihr Aké Festival. Die Auszeichnung...